Lagmore Youth Project was set up in 2019 following discussions with residents in the local area who identified a need for greater youth provision within Lagmore and Mount Eagles.
We now operate 6 days a week due to the fantastic contribution of our dedicated volunteers.
In early 2020, the worldwide covid-19 pandemic created barriers to our delivery, however despite this it increased our resolve to support young people – particularly around their emerging needs due to the unique situation we were facing. In response to this, our programme delivery adapted to online platforms such as zoom and we continued to offer one-to-one support, as well as our outreach work promoting safety messages and support.
We sourced essential items for young people via care packs and provided them with resources to occupy them during this time of isolation. We also established ‘Lagmore Live’ an online series of events to engage the whole community on an online setting and introduced Lagmore’s very own drive in cinema!
As a collective, it was important for us to identify and work to support young people’s self-identified needs throughout the pandemic however that may have looked. It’s say to say we got creative and thought outside the box!